Relational Operators

All relational operators need to be expressed as:

a_relation ?a_operator parameters...

The character ? is called "query".

?select and ?deselect:

The ?select operator (aka: projection or SELECT * FROM in sql), allow filtering the columns in a relation. Using the character # to indicate that is a name (like #price) or a number (like #0) of a column:

let products := sales ?select #name

You can also use ?deselect to say which columns NOT pick:

let products := sales ?deselect #name
print(products) //it show the all the columns, except #name


The ?where operator (aka: selection or where... in sql), allow filtering the rows in a relation. It needs a "boolean expression", ie: expression that compares values, columns or returns true/false.

let soda := sales ?where #name == "Soda"
let soda := sales ?where #0 == "Soda"

let cheaper := sales ?where #price < 5.0


The ?limit N operator return up to N rows from the query. If the value supplied is bigger than the total of rows, then it will return all rows.

let products := sales ?limit 1


The ?skip N operator skip N rows from the query and return the rest. If the value supplied is smaller than the total of rows, then it will return nothing.

let products := sales ?skip 1


The ?distinct operator avoid duplicated values.

let products := sales ?distinct